Voice disorders such as hoarseness, improper pitch, etc. usually occur at the vocal cord level. Any vocal cord lesions such as polyps, nodules, cysts, sulci, may cause a change in voice. Some of these conditions require surgery for correction. Voice surgery is done using microsurgery and requires extreme precision.
We perform voice surgery using CO2 and diode laser. Following voice surgery, a patient needs around 3 days of voice rest, after which he can start using his voice normally.
Use of Lasers in Voice Surgery
Laser is a precision instrument that enables bloodless surgery with minimal collateral damage. The acronym LASER stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.” It uses a laser light source (laser beam) to remove diseased tissues.
The advantages of Laser Surgeries are:
Highest precision
Reduced blood loss
Highly non-infective surgeries
Accurate access to confined areas
Faster healing
Minimal hospitalization and earlier return to normal voice
Micro Laryngoscopy (M. L. Scope)
Microlaryngoscopy is a procedure that means the vocal folds are looked at in great detail with magnification. The magnification may be with a microscope. It is often accompanied by some additional procedure such as removal of a mass, swelling, or tumor in the larynx (voice box). Long delicate instruments or a laser may be utilized. It is more typically performed in the operating room.
Different types of laser surgeries performed at Voice Clinic
Various laser-assisted microlaryngoscopic surgeries performed are
Laser excision of Cyst / Polyp / Nodules
Laser excision of Granulomatous / Malignant lesions